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Due to heavy rain in large parts of Addis, orders may take up to 1.5 hours to deliver. Thank you for your patience!
Galani Coffee brings a good mixture of house blend coffee and honey straight from the farm. We also specialize in delicious gelatos made with fresh ingredients that you'll be sure to love!
Days | Delivery Hours |
Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday |
8:00 am - 6:00 pm |
Monday | Closed |
Pick and choose up to TWO different flavours for your 450-gram container. (Please note: if you select more than two flavours, only the first two available selections will be included in your order)
Pick and choose up to THREE different flavours for your 900-gram container. (Please note: if you select more than three flavours, only the first three available selections will be included in your order)
Pick and choose up to TWO different flavours for your 450-gram container. (Please note: if you select more than two flavours, only the first two available selections will be included in your order)
Pick and choose up to THREE different flavours for your 900-gram container. (Please note: if you select more than three flavours, only the first three available selections will be included in your order)
Honey is pure, never adulterated, and the bees feed in hundred-year-old trees. The Honey is harvested from our farm in Sheka.
Handcrafted batches of slow-fermented, wild yeast cultured bread and authentic handmade baked goods
Handcrafted batches of slow-fermented, wild yeast cultured bread and authentic handmade baked goods, Wrapped in 4 or 8
A good choice to celebrate a birthday in the office, to share in meetings, and even finish a nice evening at home served with a good cup of coffee. It contains 12 pieces of Single Drip Filters (two different origins), Madeleines (3 pieces per person), 1 kilogram of Bourbon Cake. It can serve 6 people.
A good choice for an after-work meeting. It contains 500 grams of Coffee, Madeleines (3 pieces per person), 6 pieces of Chocolate Cookies, 500 grams of Vanilla Ice Cream (cups and spoons supplied). It can serve 6 people.
This is for the sweet-toothed among us. Ideal for after lunch, or for the afternoon tea-time. 500grams of coffee to share, 1kilogram of Chocolate cake, 1kilogram of Ice Cream of your choice of flavor -we recommend Strawberry sorbet or Vanilla, or even Chocolate. (cups and spoons supplied). It can serve 12 people
In Ethiopia, fasting days are more than 200 days in a year hence we have a fasting option ideal for office gatherings or to finish a hearty meal at home. It contains 1kilogram of Fasting Cake (an old Greek Recipe), 500 grams of Fasting Sorbet Ice Cream of your choice (cups and spoons supplied), and 500 grams of Coffee to drink together.
For the sweet-toothed that love Lemon Flavors. Ideal for after lunch, or for the afternoon tea-time. 500grams of coffee to share, 1kilogram of Lemon Cake, 1kilogram of Ice Cream of your choice of flavor - we recommend Lemon Sorbet, or Vanilla, or Lemon Biscuit flavor that is truly tasty (cups and spoons supplied). It can serve 12 people