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Due to heavy rain in large parts of Addis, orders may take up to 1.5 hours to deliver. Thank you for your patience!
Days | Delivery Hours |
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday |
8:00 am - 9:00 pm |
One Beef Patty, Burger Seasoning, Cheese, Burger Bun, Special Sauce, Grilled Onions, Lettuce and Tomatoes
Ground Beef mixed with diced Onions and Jalapenos, Burger Seasoning, Cheese, Burger Bun, Special Sauce, Grilled Onions, Lettuce and Tomatoes
Two Beef Patties, Burger Seasoning, Cheese, Burger Bun, Special Sauce, Lettuce and Tomatoes, Grilled Onions
Two Beef Patties, Burger Seasoning, Cheese, Burger Bun, Special Sauce, Lettuce and Tomatoes, Grilled Onions
Chicken Breast diced up with Sautéed Onions and Peppers with a side of Spicy Guacamole