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Korma Grill has the best grill in town, with excellent service and a relaxing ambiance.
Days | Delivery Hours |
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday |
12:00 pm - 9:00 pm |
Smoked and Tender Beef Cuts with Gravy Sauce - Comes with One Side Dish of Your Choice
Grilled Pieces of Chicken Wings (8-10 pieces) - Comes with One Side Dish of Your Choice
Pan Cooked Boneless Nile Pearch with Indian Curry - Comes with One Side Dish of Your Choice
Steak Sandwich - In House Bread and Grilled Tenderloin Beef Cuts - Comes with a Side Dish of Your Choice
Grilled Half Chicken , Sliced Roasted Beef and Tibs (Beef Cuts Cooked Ethiopian Style) - Comes with Three Side Dishes of Your Choice - Enough for Three People