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Little China serves delicious Chinese-inspired meals and prides itself on simple yet delicious dishes with fresh ingredients.
Days | Delivery Hours |
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday |
10:00 am - 8:30 pm |
Potato, pepper, onion, homemade sauce, chili with beef or chicken served with rice.
Chicken, Carrots, Green Onion, Celery, Bok choy, stirred or tossed noodles
Homemade noodles, Fried Chicken, Eggs, Vegetables, spices, spicy chili and soya sauce
Homemade noodles, Fried Beef, Eggs, spices, spicy chili and soya sauce
Homemade noodles, vegetables, egg, spices, spicy chili and soya sauce
Bell pepper, dried chili, nuts, ginger, chicken cubes, and homemade chili sauce
Broccoli, bell pepper, onion, tofu, chili, homemade sweet and sour sauce